![]() | 2005-01-20 |
San Diego Beach. | |
2005-01-20 | |
San Diego Beach. | |
Notice the people below. | |
2005-01-20 | |
San Diego Beach. | |
2005-01-20 | |
San Diego Beach. | |
Few not so conservative americans. | |
2005-01-23 | |
Pyöräretken päätepiste Petterin kanssa. | |
From a mountain biking trip in San Diego. | |
2005-01-27 | |
Loskaa New Yorkin valossa. | |
January in light of New York. | |
2005-01-27 | |
Modernin taiteen museo 1. | |
MOMA 1. I'm not sure if this part of permanent collections or not. | |
2005-01-27 | |
Modernin taiteen museo 2. Kuin kalloja Kambodzassa. | |
MOMA 2. This reminds me strongly of the skulls in Cambodia | |
2005-01-27 | |
Modernin taiteen museo 3. | |
MOMA 3. |
Updated " . $osumat[3]; ?>
Please, send any comments to Severi@mad.fi